11th Annual Pan-SIG Conference (2012)

June 16-17
Hiroshima University, Higashi Hiroshima Campus   

The Materials Writers SIG is once again proud to be one of the co-sponsors of the 11th annual Pan-SIG conference on June 16-17, 2012 at Hiroshima University, Higashi Hiroshima Campus. The theme of this year’s conference is “Literacy: Signals of emergence”

MW SIG members are encouraged to apply for an opportunity to represent the SIG at the conference by giving a presentation. Abstracts of no more than 100 words can be submitted at the main conference submission site at http://www.jalt.org/pansig/2012 no later than February 29, 2012.

For more information about the conference, please visit the conference website at: http://www.pansig.org/2012/

静岡県・静岡コンベンションアーツセンター グランシップ
November 15 - 18, 2024 • Shizuoka Granship, Shizuoka, Japan