The webpage features materials created primarily by members of the Materials Writers Special Interest Group of the Japan Association for Language Teaching.
Welcome to the Web Site of the Materials Writers (MW) Special Interest Group (SIG) of the Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT).
教材開発研究部会 (MW) のウェブサイトへようこそ。教材開発研究部会は全国語学教育学会 (JALT) の分野別研究部会 (SIG)の一つです。
The Materials Writers SIG (MW SIG) was established for the purpose of helping members to turn fresh teaching ideas into useful classroom materials. We try to be a mutual assistance network, offering information regarding copyright law, sharing practical advice on publishing practices, including self-publication, and suggesting ways to create better language learning materials for general consumption or for individual classroom use.
教材開発研究部会 (MW SIG) は、メンバーが日々の教育の場で得た新しいアイディアを教材にしていく助けとなることを目的に設立されました。著作権に関すること、自費出版を含めた出版に関する実践的なアドバイス、広く一般学習者または特定の授業のためにどうしたらより良い語学教材が作れるか、といったことに関するアイディアを共有しお互いを高め合える部会であることが願いです。教材開発についてもっと知りたい、自分のアイディアを形にしたいという方、入会大歓迎です。一緒に活動しませんか。
Our constitution was ratified at our AGM at the 2011 JALT International Conference.
The webpage features materials created primarily by members of the Materials Writers Special Interest Group of the Japan Association for Language Teaching.
The Graded Readers Authorship Publication Experience (GRAPE) is designed to help authors write and publish graded readers. On the day of the event, participants will learn from experts in the field on the major aspects of the creative and publication process. After the event day, participants will continue to work together in an organized peer-support system via Google Classroom, with the goal being to publish stories on an online extensive reader platform.
Temple University, Osaka Center, Japan
For more details, visit the event's website.
The Okinawa Chapter of the Japan Association for Language Teaching (OkiJALT) and the Materials Writers Special Interest Group (MW SIG) invite proposals for Summer Symposium 2023 (August 11-13 @ the Okinawa Prefecture Gender Equality Center Tiruru). OkiJALT and MW SIG welcome proposals (research presentations, demonstrations, short workshops, and poster presentations) on any aspect of language learning and teaching, but especially those which address the challenges and opportunities presented by the changing landscape of language education. The deadline for proposals is June 19, 2023 23:59 JST.
For more details:
The Mind, Brain, and Education SIG has recently published an issue of their SIG publication sue in collaboration with the MW SIG. The issue focuses entirely on the practical steps and procedures teachers should use when putting together their own classroom materials. Whether you’re looking to adapt an existing activity, design an original one, or even write your own textbook, this issue will have lots of tips and advice for you to draw upon.