Message from the Coordinator (December 2015)

Dear MW-SIG Members,
I'd like to take this chance to introduce myself. My name is Adam Murray and I am the new coordinator. I’m currently based at Miyazaki International College in sunny southern Kyushu. (Some of you may be familiar with Miyazaki city because it was the site of the 2014 PanSIG Conference). Like most educators, I am continually making supplementary materials to provide additional support for my students. Until now, I have limited experience with commercially published textbooks. I have been involved with piloting and I co-authored a niche classroom-use textbook with Pearson Kirihara a few years ago. Recently, I have been interested in the development of listening materials.
Despite the ubiquitous nature of classroom materials, quality materials are an important part of each teacher's toolbox. As coordinator, I would like to make sure that the MW-SIG continues to provide a quality service to not only the members, but also to the foreign language teaching community as a whole. 
In the next couple of weeks, I am planning to send the membership a description of what I would like to accomplish in the upcoming year. I look forward to meeting you at upcoming events.
In your service,
Adam Murray

2015 MW AGM

Presiding Officer: Jim Smiley, Coordinator
Officers: Jim Smiley, Coordinator, Program Scott Petersen, Treasurer
James Essex, Publications
Non Officer Voting Members: 4
Non Members: 4
JALT Executives: Mark Brierley, SIG Representative Liaison
Recording Secretary: Cameron Romney


Jim Smiley, Coordinator
Jim reported that the SIG is in good shape, the publications are on track, the SIG has been doing well with outreach to chapters and the membership numbers are good.
However, Jim noted that while the SIG is in good standing, there is a lack of volunteers to be officers. If not enough members will step forward to have multiple people in all officer positions, then he would move to dissolve the SIG.

Scott Petersen, Treasurer
Scott reported that the SIG is in good financial health with significant funds to cover all current and up coming expenses.

Travis Holzclaw, Membership
No report.

James Essex, Publications
No report.

Jim Smiley, Program
The SIG sent Greg Goodmacher as a featured speaker to the Pan-SIG conference in Kobe in May. At the national conference, the SIG sponsored Cameron Romney as a featured speaker and held a lively discussion at the SIG forum.

Jim suggested that the SIG sponsor Marcos Benevides as a featured speaker at the 2016 Pan-SIG conference in May. This was accepted by the membership and officers. Jim mentioned that he had been in contact with Okinawa Chapter about a possible co-sponsored event with Cameron Romney as the speaker. The details are still under discussion. Member Cameron Romney nominated John Campbell-Larsen to be the SIG’s 2015 Best of JALT recipient for his presentation, “From a page full of text, to a mouth full of air” presented on behalf of the SIG at both Nara Chapter and Shinshu (Nagano) Chapter meetings. This was accepted by both the membership and officers. There was discussion about what to do about the SIG website, if the SIG were to be dissolved as the hosting fees were due soon. As the SIG was not dissolved, the website hosting contract will be renewed.

Mark Brierley, the SIG Representative Liaison, suggested that a discussion of whether or not to dissolve the SIG be moved to after the election. He also suggested that the SIG begin by nominating and electing the non-coordinator positions first. This was accepted by the membership and officers.

Treasurer: Scott Petersen agreed to act as the SIG treasurer for only one more year and was unanimously elected. Marcus Grandon agreed at act as co-Treasurer for the year in order to take over for Scott next year.

Membership: Travis Holzclaw (not in attendance, but spoken for by Jim Smiley) agreed to act as membership chair for only one more year and was unanimously elected.

Publications: James Essex agreed to continue as publications chair and was unanimously elected.

Program: Greg Goodmacher agreed to be the program chair provided that someone else could help him, specifically with Pan-SIG planning. He was unanimously elected.

Coordinator: Non-member Adam Murray stepped forward to become the coordinator, agreeing to become a member immediately following the AGM. He was unanimously elected. Outgoing coordinator Jim Smiley noted that this has happened before with a non-member volunteering, being elected and then not actively managing the SIG.

Member-at-large: Jim Smiley was unanimously elected to help with the transition to the new coordinator.

A Website Editor was not found. Mailing list editor was not found.

Layout editor: Jeanette Dennisson agreed to work with Scott on learning how to layout Between the Keys.

Pan-SIG 2016 Representative: James Essex agreed to continue representing the SIG on the Pan-SIG 2016 planning committee.

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November 15 - 18, 2024 • Shizuoka Granship, Shizuoka, Japan