Exploring Japanese University English Teachers’ Professional Identity

I met MW-SIG member, Diane Hawley Nagatomo, at the weekend

at the JALT EBM. She is the current co-ordinator of the JALT SIG Gender Awareness in Language Education. Diane showed me her latest book, Exploring Japanese University English Teachers’ Professional Identity, which is based on her Ph.D. studies. 

I could see the book for only a few short minutes, but it is clearly a much-needed addition to the bookshelf of the university professor interested in self-identity. I'll be getting a copy when the next round of research budgets are ready in April.

静岡県・静岡コンベンションアーツセンター グランシップ
November 15 - 18, 2024 • Shizuoka Granship, Shizuoka, Japan