JALT National Conference 2009

From November 21st to the 23rd, our parent body JALT will host their annual conference in Tokyo.

Greg Goodmacher will be hosting the MW JALT Forum there. "From Proposal to Publication" For the next MW Jalt Forum, I would like to arrange for accomplished writers and experienced editors to discuss the path from proposal to publication. Writers will present their side of the story in regard to dealing with the compromises and directional changes that take place from the time that they presented their proposals until the textbook is actually published. In addition, editors will share their perspective. Attendees will learn how to write a better proposal and how to interact more successfully with editors. The path from proposal to publication is a two-way street. Come to this presentation and hear how to safely drive down this road on the way to your textbook destination. Curtis Kelly, author of Significant Scribbles, Writing from Within, Active Skills for Communication and many other textbooks has promised to be one of the panelists. I am still in the process of arranging for other panelists. If you have suggestions, send e-mail asap to Greg.

We'll also have our AGM where policy and business discussions take place. This is your chance to get on board the MW-SIG team to help out and be involved in the decision making at this exciting time. We desperately need volunteers to come forward to help with the smooth running of our SIG. Without that base, our more inspiring plans simply won't take off. We need you.

静岡県・静岡コンベンションアーツセンター グランシップ
November 15 - 18, 2024 • Shizuoka Granship, Shizuoka, Japan